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SpringBoot : Performance War

Reactive Systems are designed to address challenges posed by modern software systems - the challenges related to large number of users and high throughput. Reactive systems are expected to be highly responsive, resilient, elastic and message driven. In this article we will: Build a set of fully non-blocking REST API using SpringBoot 2.0, WebFlux and Reactive Redis. Performance test the above Reactive APIs against the traditional non-reactive APIs. The code used in this example can be downloaded from GitHub Step 1: Create a skeleton Reactive WebFlux SpringBoot project Create a SpringBoot maven project using - Add the following dependencies: spring-boot-starter-web spring-boot-starter-data-redis spring-webflux spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive Refer to the dependencies in pom.xml Step 2: Create Domain Objects The demo project uses the domain objects Customer and Account . A customer can have multiple accounts. ...
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